Un'opera rara per ricordare

Saranno le voci degli studenti e delle studentesse delle classi di canto del Liceo Musicale “E. Bianchi” di Cuneo ad unirsi a quelle dell’Istituto “A. Fiore” e del Conservatorio “Ghedini” con la partecipazione dell’Accademia Teatrale “Toselli” e l’Orchestra della Centrale sotto la direzione del M° Fulvio Cioce a dare nuova vita all’opera “Brundibar”. L’opera è…

Baking & Pastry

Baked goods and the pastry are absolutely essential to any kind of a restaurant with a Dessert menu… Moreover, when it comes to working at a bakery or a French patisserie, the skills provided at these classes are becoming vital! We’re determined to provide a universal range of both theoretical and practical skills, needed to…

Seafood & Wine

The seafood has always been an essential part of the Mediterranean cuisine, which by large unites both European, Middle Eastern and African cuisines! The same goes for the Mediterranean traditions for wine making. With the help of this class, we’d like to break down both the wine & seafood nuances for you, whether you’re a…


Finding a person who loves to enjoy the indulgence of sweets and desserts is easy… But finding a person who can cook a perfect dessert is an extremely tall order! Nevertheless, we’re the ultimate place which takes charge in preparing such specialists! With a French patisserie expert Jean-Luc Perrot as the Dean of this Class,…